
Basic Types

Syntax: int, float, byte, char, string, bool, nothing


  1. int type is a signed 8-byte integer data type.

  2. float is double-precision 8-byte floating point number.

  3. byte is an unsigned 8-bit number.

  4. char is a single unicode character.

    • Character literals should be enclosed in single-quote (e.g. 'a').

  5. string is a sequence of characters.

    • String literals should be enclosed in double quotes.

    • To represent double quote itself inside a string, you can use \".

  6. bool type is same as int but with only two valid values. true is 1 and false is 0.

  7. nothing is a special type which is used to denote empty/invalid/missing data. This type has only one value which is the same identifier.


int_val = 12
float_val = 1.918
char_val = 'c'
bool_val = true
str1 = "Hello world!"
str2 = "Hello" + "World!"
n: nothing = nothing

#note that it is optional to mention type of a binding after its name
byte_val: byte = 119 


  1. Sequence is similar to array in other languages. It represents a fixed-size block of memory with elements of the same type, T, and is shows with [T] notation.

  2. You can initialise a sequence with a sequence literal (First example).

  3. You refer to elements inside sequence using x[i] notation where i is index number.

  4. [] represents an empty sequence.

  5. Referring to an index outside sequence will throw a runtime error.

  6. Core defines built-in functions for sequence for common operations: slice, map, reduce, filter, anyMatch, allMatch, ...


x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

#a 2D matrix of integer numbers
x: [[int]] = [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6] ] 

int_var = x[10]

#this is definition of string type
string = [char]


  1. HashMap is a hash table of key values.

  2. You can use [KeyType:ValueType] to define a map type.

  3. When reading from a map, you will get runtime error if value does not exist in the map.

  4. An empty map can be denoted using [:] notation.

  5. Core defines built-in functions for maps for common operations: slice, map, reduce, filter, hasKey, anyMatch, allMatch, ...


pop = ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3]
data = pop["A"]


  1. You can prefix any sequence literal with enum keyword and it will be an enum type.

  2. Example: MyEnumType = enum [sequence of literals]

  3. Variables of enum type must accept values of exactly what is specified inside the sequence, nothing else, even if they have equivalent value.

  4. You can combine enum with a map to implement execution control.

  5. In case of 4, Compiler will make sure you have covered all possible types, and if not, will issue a warning.

  6. Also core will have functions to implement switch on enums which make sure all cases are covered.


DayOfWeek = enum [saturday, sunday, ...]

x = [saturday: "A", sunday: "B", ...][my_day_of_week]

#definition of type bool
bool = enum [true, false]


  1. Bindings of union type, can store any of multiple pre-defined types.

  2. Union type are shown as T1|T2|T3|....

  3. You can use casting to check what's inside a union binding or cast it to a type.

  4. For union, you can use casting to get underlying type. If you cast a union binding to a wrong type, there will be a runtime error.

  5. You can cast a union to T|nothing to do a safe cast. You will get nothing it type T is not inside the union binding.


int_or_float: int|float = 11
int_or_float2: int|float = "ABCD"

my_int = int(int_or_float) #this will fail if input binding does not have an int
maybe_int = int|nothing(int_or_float) #if binding has a float, you will get a nothing as a result of this cast


  1. A struct, similar to C, represents a set of related named types.

  2. To create a binding based on a struct, you should use a struct literal (e.g. Type{field1:value1, field2:value2, ...}.

  3. Optional fields: When creating a value of struct type and don't specify value for fields which can be nothing, they will be set to nothing.

  4. Edit: You can create a new struct value based an existing value. This will merge them all. (Example A).

  5. If struct literal type can be inferred from context, you can omit type and use &{...} notation (Example B).


#defining a struct type
Point = struct {x:int,y:int}

#create a binding of type Point, defined above
point2 = Point{x:100, y:200}
point2new = Point{100, 200}

#update an existing struct binding and save as a new binding
point4 = Point{x:point3.x, y : 101}

process = fn(x: struct {id:int, age:int} -> int) { x.age }

another_point = Point{my_point, x:10}
third_point = Point{point1, z: 10, delta: 9}

switchOnValue(my_number, &{value: 10, handler: AAA}, &{12, BBB}, &{13, CCC})

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